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Green avocado varieties

  • Haskelberg Nurseries
  • 15.03.2021
  • 5 Minutes
  • Pinkerton

  • o Originally from California.
    o Group A, requires a pollinator
    Productivity: a very productive variety
    Fruit size: around 300 grams.
    Shape: Elongated Shape with long neck
    Shell: Rough
    Picking date: Picking December to February.
    Picking Mode: manual
    o Flavor: Nutty
    o Quality of the fruit : peels easily and has a small seed.
    Plantation maintenance: Requires a suitable pruning method for stable yields.
    Additional data: Sensitive to cold.
    Planting densities: 6×3.
    Trees per hectare: 550

  • Arad

o An Israeli variety
o Group A, does not require a pollinator
Productivity: a very productive variety
Fruit size: around 300 grams.
Shape: Large pear
Shell: Rough
o Picking date: December to February.
Picking Mode: Manual
Taste: A tad watery not very oily.
Plantation maintenance: can be planted in high densities.
Additional Information: better resistant to cold then Hass for example
Growth Type: Spherical, measured.
Planting densities: 5/6 x 2.5/3
Trees per hectare: 550-800

  • Reed

o Originally from California, partly Guatemalan
o Group A, does not require a pollinator
Productivity: Good and constant over the years
Fruit size: 300-350 g
Shape: Round
Shell: Hard, peeled easily
Picking period: Late season
Picking mode: picker
o Taste: A tad watery not very oily
o Plantation maintenance: Can be planted in high densities, low feeding. requirements, requires less water than normal varieties.
Additional data: Can be saved for summer with 2 generations in a suitable post-harvest maintenance.
Growth Type: High and narrow tree with internal fruits.
Planting densities: 6/5 x 3
Trees per hectare: 550-660

  • Ettinger

o An Israeli variety with Mexican blood
o Group B, High quality Pollinator
Productivity: Good, constant over the years.
Fruit size: 250-280 g
Shape: Pear green fruit
Shell: Relatively thin shell
Picking date: relatively early, picking date September-December.
Picking Mode: Manual
o Taste: Fine
Additional information: High resistant to colds.
Growth Type: Axial growth
Planting Densities: 6×4 or by the primary variety it pollinates.
Trees per hectare: 420


  • Galil

o Israeli variety
o Group A, requires a pollinator
Productivity: Productive with great stability in crops
Shape: Elongated
o Picking date: very early
Picking Mode: Manual
Taste: Aaverage
Plantation maintenance: resistant in cold temperatures
Growth Type: average vigor. Axial growth
Planting intervals: 6×3
Trees per hectare: 550


  • Fuerte

o Originally from Mexico
o Group B can be used as pollinator but not as good as Ettinger.
Productivity: High, depending on plantation maintenance
Fruit size: average size 250 grams
Shape: Pear Elliptical
o Shell: Smooth Green
o Picking Date: Picking from late October to March
o Picking mode: picker
o Taste: Fine taste
o Plantation maintenance: Strong variety, requires the use of growth chemical in order to reach high crops
o Additional Information: Tends to grey at late stages.
o Growth Type : lateral and high.
o Planting Densities: 6/7 x 4/5
o Trees per hectare: 280-480

  •  Day

o Group B
o Productivity: High
o Fruit Size: Medium
o Shape: Circled Pear
o Shell: Thick
o Picking period: Early – September
o Taste: Average
o Additional Information: Sensitive to cold.
o Growth Type: spherical, moderate.
o Planting Densities: 6/5 x 3.
o Trees per hectare: 550-660


• Dominic

o Group A
o Productivity: 90-100 kg/tree
o Fruit size: large 300-350 g
o Shell: rough, green, medium thick
o Picking Date : October – February
o Additional Information: An experimental variety at the Haskelberg Nurseries in cooperation with Kibbutz Ein HaEmiv.
o Growth Type: Axial growth
o Planting intervals: 6x 3
o Trees per hectare: 550

• Ardit

o Originally from California
o Type A, Good pollinator for Etinger
o Productivity: average crop 12 tons per hectare
o Fruit size: average 250 grams
o Shape: long Pear
o Shell: Green with light bumps
o Picking date: Harvested in the second half of the season
o Picking mode: Picker
o Taste: Good quality
o Additional Information: Requires rigging to keep the fruits on the tree.
o Growing shape: relatively large tree, large trees.
o Planting Densities: 6/7 x 4
o Trees per hectare: 420




Planting instruction: Decomposable bag

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Planting instruction 1.5 bag

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