Customized rootstocks are the future generation of avocado planting.
The use of a rootstock that is adapted to specific growing conditions opens the door to new regions that to date have been borderline for avocado cultivation.
In addition they allow us to improve yields and resistance to damages such as from irrigation water with high salt concentrations and fungi in the soil (phytoptura and others).
Canacado combines a wide range of advanced rootstocks of both vegetative and seed propagation. Each of the stocks is the fruition of decades of Israeli and international experimentation in nurseries and orchards alongside years of research, development and mapping the present global variety.
We would be happy to share our comprehensive knowledge and experience in order to allocate the best suited rootstock for your specific growing needs.
customized avocado rootstocks
fitted for various growing environments
Canacado 320
Clonal Tetraploid Rootstock
High Productivity
Saline Water Resistant
Verticillium Wilt Resistant
Soil with High Calcium Level
Vigorous Growth
Suited to Heavy Soil
Suited to Extreme Heat Conditions
Canacado 330
Clonal Rootstock
Very High Productivity
Saline Water Resistant
Soil with High Calcium Level
Vigorous Growth
Suited to Moderate Soil
Canacado 340
Clonal Rootstock
High Productivity
Saline Water Resistant
Phytophthora Resistant
Verticillium Wilt Resistant
Soil with High Calcium Level
Vigorous Growth
Suited to Heavy Soil
Canacado 327
Clonal rootstock
Moderate Productivity
Saline Water Resistant
Soil with High Calcium Level
Dwarf Growth
Suited to Moderate Soil
Canacado 360
Clonal Rootstock
Moderate Productivity
Saline Water Resistant
Verticillium Wilt Resistant
Moderate Growth
Suited to Heavy Soil
Suited to frost Conditions
South Africa
The Global
International demand for avocado is growing, and the demand for growing areas is rising accordingly. Today the areas that are known to be suitable for growing the tree are saturated . This saturation, along with a constant decline in the quality of irrigation water, makes it difficult for growers to find available growing areas.
Our selection of Canacado brand rootstocks allows you to grow avocado trees in areas that were considered to be unsuitable in the past, and can also boost fruit production in known areas, thus satisfying the increased need of recognized markets, and even reaching new markets.